Birth Doula
I will provide continuous support in helping you have the kind of birth you want! I will work as a team with your care providers and make sure your support person/people feel included and helpful during your birth. I am willing to attend home births, hospital births, and anything in between. I will even come to your home to provide early labor support before heading to the hospital.
Early Postpartum
After your baby is born, I will stay in the hospital with you for the first hours. I will help make sure your first moments with your new addition go as you prefer, if at all possible. I can help you with your first feeing, take pictures of your new family, or give updates to anyone waiting to hear.
Prenatal Visits
It is important to make sure that we are a good fit to work together. Although I am flexible and do meet some mothers for the first time during labor, it is preferable that we meet at least twice before you give birth. We will meet at your home or a coffee shop and get to know each other. We will also go over your birth plan plan/preferences, educational resources or referrals I make, and talk about any fears or questions you have about the upcoming birth.
If your needs don't all fall within the scope of my services I will make referrals to other competent professionals in the area. This includes several kinds of childbirth education classes, postpartum depression resources, lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, and many many more!
Home Visits
I will make at least one visit to your home in the first week. We will check in on feeding, see how you are feeling, answer newborn care care questions, and talk about your birth experience.